Sterling Premium. Elevated.

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In Verso’s new promotion, Elevated, Chicago’s Vosges Haut-Chocolat is sure to make your taste buds tingle. Inside you will find an array of delectable delights magnificently printed on Sterling Premium with different varnishes, uv coatings, and stock options. Sterling Premium comes in 60 lb. text to 130 lb. cover as well as 7pt and 9pt caliper products guaranteed for direct mailings. On top of that, three different finishes are offered – gloss, dull and matte… the options are endless! Sterling® Premium has the widest and deepest offering of any premium coated paper. Grab your copy today and immerse yourself in two very different, yet wonderfully combined quality products.

Sterling® Premium offers premium optics and printability at a Number-Two price point. Printers get a superior substrate to print on and companies can build their brand printables through a higher perception of quality stock at a budget-friendly price. Sterling® contains 10% post-consumer recycled fiber and is FSC® certified. Plus, it's 100 percent American made and owned.


"How to Win" from Neenah




How to Win, is a new Neenah promotion created for designers who are specializing in, or are looking to enter, the higher education market.
“In higher education, rising above the competition means planning ahead, navigating through the college marketing calendar, and developing marketing materials that resonate with a variety of age groups from high school students through generations of alumni, and donors. How to Win was created to help designers navigate the path to creating a winning strategy,” says Kathy Kemps, Senior Brand Manager, Neenah.
How to Win is a hefty, 9.5 x 13, wiro-bound book filled with large French folds that house pull-out samples designed for interaction and inspiration: A DIY megaphone doubles as a homecoming invitation, an advent calendar-like handout gives hidden answers to the ultimate question, ‘what’s your major?’

Helpful hints and a multitude of production techniques are food for thought as the reader is walked through six key touch points of the college audience:

  • How to entice college-bound students

  • How to influence the big decision

  • How to seal the deal

  • How to connect with a generation that cares

  • How to boost alumni loyalty

  • How to reel in and reassure donors

“What is the moment that will connect with that potential new student, or donor? Is it reading the thoughtful welcome message, or seeing the beautifully printed campus photos in the viewbook? Or, perhaps it’s the visual connection to a beautiful paper color, or the feel of a rich texture, or the ability to play with a cleverly constructed piece that boosts that emotional appeal,” says Kemps.
Designed by Design Army, How to Win is a tool about creative use of paper with simple production techniques that will help to stay within the calendar budget, while making the largest impact and best connection along each step of the marketing process.
How to Win uses 13 of Neenah’s beloved grades from the essential CLASSIC CREST® Papers, to the unique feel of TOUCHÉ® Papers, the eye-grabbing pop of ASTROBRIGHTS® Papers, the sustainable messaging of ENVIRONMENT® Papers and the unmistakable shimmer effect of STARDREAM® Papers to show how paper selection can offer a creative solution for every audience and every budget.

Get in touch with your Olmsted-Kirk representative to recieve your copy.