Mohawk Digital Synthetics are built to last, yet with the flexibility, touch and performance of paper. Synthetics allow the user to create durable documents that can withstand the rigors of menus, maps, brochures, signage and manuals. They eliminate the need for laminating, provide exceptional opacity and perform beautifully for perforating and punching. Additional benefits include being moisture and grease proof and chemical and tear resistant.
Here are the Frequently Asked Questions that we hear. Contact your O-K sales representative for even more detailed information and samples.
Can I foil stamp Mohawk Synthetics?
Yes, they can be hot or cold foil stamped. Be sure to test using various temperature, pressure and dwell time settings for optimum settings. If you are foil stamping over printed artwork, discuss the process with your digital press manufacturer because some wax-based toner or coatings may impact stamping suitability.
Does my press room environment matter when printing Mohawk Synthetics?
Yes, storage and pressroom conditions are important. The optimum print room conditions are 65 to 75 degree temps and 45 to 55% relative humidity. Always store the Mohawk Synthetic media in the original packaging until 24 to 48 hours prior to when printing is planned.
Can I diecut & trim Mohawk Synthetics?
Dies should be made of hardened steel, sharp and free of nicks. Right angle cuts should be made with a 1/16th inch radius hole. Avoid intersecting inside cuts. Guillotine cutting is compatible and digital die cutting with a knife is acceptable; however laser die cutting is not compatible with synthetics.
Are there any environmental Mohawk Synthetic options?
Yes, the Recycled Polyester contains 30% post consumer recycled material. It is made using recycled beverage bottles which is extremely uncommon in terms of the quality you and your customers have come to expect. Mohawk Recycled Polyester offers the same brightness, opacity and smoothness as Mohawk's highest-end Premium Polyester synthetic product line.
Which Mohawk Synthetics are recyclable?
Rigid Vinyl (PVC) is recyclable as a number 3 plastic. Synthetic Paper with i-Tone is recyclable as a number 5 plastic. Premium Polyester, Polyester, Synthetic Paper and Recycled Polyester are recyclable as a number 7 plastic. Recycling programs are not available in all areas so please check with local authorities for recycling availability.
Can I print conventionally with offset or UV offset on Mohawk Synthetics?
Yes, use oxidizing inks or UV safe inks formulated for plastic material and ensure all traces of oil-based inks and varnishes are removed from your ink delivering system. Talk with your ink manufacturer for recommendations for total ink coverage. We recommend ink draw downs. Get in touch with your O-K representative for more detailed information if you want to print this digital product conventionally.
These are just some of the questions we receive, if you have others, contact your O-K sales representative or call us.