New Swatch: Strathmore Premium


It's here! The Strathmore Premium paper swatch. It combines a chip chart of colors with a full waterfall of textures and weights that you can touch and feel. The swatchbook accordian-folds into a compact size that fits neatly into a No. 10 envelope. Great when you need to mail to a client or stash in your messenger bag for a presentation. The entire back panels hold a cross-reference chart that gives you sheet size, texture and color availability. Here's the skinny on Strathmore Premium, in case you need a refresher - Concept, Expressions, Cambric, Pastelle, Grandee, Strathmore Writing and Mohawk Ultrafelt have been combined into this line of papers. Now, you'll see these papers as finishies - Supersmooth, Smooth, Wove, Cambric, Enhance, Pinstripe, Pastelle, Ultrafelt and Grandee. The color palette has gorgeous pale hues, midtone neutrals to deep, saturated shades. Contact your O-K representative for your copy. We're happy to get one to you.

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