The Neenah Classic Car Contest has announced the top ten finalists and winner. James O'Connor from O'Connor Design in Glen Ellyn, Illinois won the Mustang. But three of the top ten finalist were from the great state of Texas! These three Texas finalists competed against some the best designers out there for a chance to win a brand new 2012 Mustang. Read on to discover what these Texas rivals brought to the table. Congrats to each! Austin, Dallas and Houston represents!

Matchbox Studio Identity on Classic Crest, Solar White
Dallas | Ft. Worth: Matchbox Studio
In 1997, partners Jeff Breazeale and Liz Burnett founded Matchbox Studio in Deep Ellum, a musically historic neighborhood of Dallas. Today, Matchbox is an award-winning print and interactive design firm with clientele ranging from major universities to restaurant groups. They believe, “We’ve found that good design defies explanation. It connects emotionally. It spurs thought and action. It doesn’t give everything away. Good design leaves a spark gap for the imagination of the viewer to cross. Good design is a form of communication that, when done properly, does more than just communicate a message – it creates an impression.”

Over Yonder Cay Identity on Classic Crest, Stipple
Austin: Asterisk Group
Since 1999, Asterisk Group has been in the business of fine print, environmental and interactive design. Principals Shawn and Susanne Harrington combine big agency talent with small firm benefits to form truly integrated customer experiences. Their clientele spans across diverse industries, from Retail to Healthcare and Real Estate. They believe, “Whether as stand-alone assignments or complete graphic overhauls, realized on paper or in a store environment, our work is united by its commitment to underlying brand messages and business goals.” Plus, they’re a Sappi Ideas That Matter 2005 Grant Recipient!

Visualize on Classic Crest Canyon Brown and Natural White, Smooth
Houston: Prism Design, Inc.
This Houston based graphic design and marketing firm has done it all—from branding to direct marketing, since 1985. They involve their clients in a six step process that results in original ideas backed by knowledgeable insight. From corporate identities and print collateral to web design, Prism unveils hidden opportunities. Clients include those in the Energy Sector, Public Service and Human Resources. Becky Chaffin, O-K Specifications Representative, regards them highly, “It’s inspiring to work with a great design agency like Prism. Their fun loving attitude for paper and life, make them a joy to call on! They enjoy learning about the newest paper brands, especially Neenah Paper, and rave about Olmsted-Kirk.”